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Switches are UI elements that allow users to toggle between two states, typically on and off. They are often represented as a small rectangular or circular button with a sliding mechanism that moves from one side to the other when toggled. Switches are popular in mobile and desktop applications due to their simplicity and ease of use.

The switches class is straightforward and easy to use. Choose where you want to place your annotation then create an instance of it, like this:

Basic Switch Example

Flet Material Switches

The Flet Material Library classes inherit from the controls provided by Flet. In this case, the fm.Switches() class inherits from Flet's ft.Container() class, this means all properties of the latter are accessable through the former.

import flet as ft
import flet_material as fm


def main(page: ft.Page):
    page.bgcolor = fm.Theme.bgcolor

    page.horizontal_alignment = "center"
    page.vertical_alignment = "center"

    switch = fm.Switchs()



if __name__ == "__main__":