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Checkboxes are used to allow users to select one or multiple options from a set of choices. They are commonly used in forms and settings menus to allow users to customize their preferences. Checkboxes can be designed in various styles, such as with a checkmark or a filled-in box, to provide visual feedback to the user.

The checkbox class is straightforward and easy to use. Choose where you want to place your annotation then create an instance of it, like this:

Basic CheckBox Example

Flet Material CheckBox

The Flet Material Library classes inherit from the controls provided by Flet. In this case, the fm.CheckBox() class inherits from Flet's ft.Container() class, this means all properties of the latter are accessable through the former.

import flet as ft
import flet_material as fm


def main(page: ft.Page):
    page.bgcolor = fm.Theme.bgcolor

    page.horizontal_alignment = "center"
    page.vertical_alignment = "center"

    circle_checkbox = fm.CheckBox("circle")
    rectangular_checkbox = fm.CheckBox("rectangle")



if __name__ == "__main__":

shape: str - The shape of the checkbox.

- "circle": The checkbox is a circle.
- "rectangle": The checkbox is a rectangle with no border adjustments.