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Badges are used to display small amounts of information, such as notifications or counts, in a visually prominent way. They can be used to indicate the number of new messages, the number of items in a cart, or to show user status, such as whether they are online or offline. Badges can be designed in various styles, such as with a numerical count or an icon.

The badges class is straightforward and easy to use. There are currently two types of badges, notifications and icon bagdes, each having its own unique material design. Choose where you want to place your annotation then create an instance of it, like this:

Basic Notifications Badge Example

Flet Material Badges

The Flet Material Library classes inherit from the controls provided by Flet. In this case, both the fm.NotificationBadge() and the fm.IconBadge() classes inherit from Flet's ft.Container() class, this means all properties of the latter are accessable through the former.

import flet as ft
import flet_material as fm


def main(page: ft.Page):
    page.bgcolor = fm.Theme.bgcolor

    page.horizontal_alignment = "center"
    page.vertical_alignment = "center"

    def show_notification(e):
        badge.notification += 1

    btn = ft.ElevatedButton(on_click=lambda e: show_notification(e))

    badge = fm.NotificationBadge(title="Hello!", size="md", notification=0)



if __name__ == "__main__":

title: str - The text to be displayed.

size: str - The width of the notifications badge:

- "sm": sets the width at 55.
- "md": sets the width at 90.
- "lg": sets the width at 135.
- "xl": sets the width at 165.

notification: int - The starting notification count number.

Basic Icon Badge Example

import flet as ft
import flet_material as fm


def main(page: ft.Page):
    page.bgcolor = fm.Theme.bgcolor

    page.horizontal_alignment = "center"
    page.vertical_alignment = "center"

    def show_notification(e):
        badge.notification += 1

    btn = ft.ElevatedButton(on_click=lambda e: show_notification(e))

    badge = fm.IconBadge(bagde_icon="email", notification=0)



if __name__ == "__main__":

bagde_icon: str - The icon to be displayed:

Supported icons:

    - "email"
    - "facebook"
    - "notification"
    - "cart"

notification: int - The starting notification count number.