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Dropdowns are used to allow users to select one option from a list of choices. They are commonly used in menus and settings to provide a compact way to present a large number of options. Dropdowns can be designed in various styles, such as with a simple list or with additional information, such as icons or descriptions.

The dropdown class is straightforward and easy to use. Choose where you want to place your annotation then create an instance of it, like this:

Basic Dropdown Example

Flet Material Alerts

The Flet Material Library classes inherit from the controls provided by Flet. In this case, the fm.Admonitions() class inherits from Flet's ft.Container() class, this means all properties of the latter are accessable through the former.

Expandable Dropdown

import flet as ft
import flet_material as fm


def main(page: ft.Page):
    page.bgcolor = fm.Theme.bgcolor

    page.horizontal_alignment = "center"
    page.vertical_alignment = "center"

    drop = fm.Admonitions(
        type_="note", expanded_height=300, expanded=False, controls_list=None



if __name__ == "__main__":

type_: str - The type of title to be displayed. The following parameters are supported:

- "note", "abstract", "info", "tip", "success", "warning", "danger"

expanded_height: int - Sets the height when the dropdown is clicked.

expanded: bool - If placed outside a ft.Row() or ft.Column(), should be set to False, otherwise set to True.

controls_list: list - The list of controls that can be added inside the dropdown.

Fixed Dropdown (Title only)

This class simply displays the title and it's corresponding icon. It cannot be expanded.

import flet as ft
import flet_material as fm


def main(page: ft.Page):
    page.bgcolor = fm.Theme.bgcolor

    page.horizontal_alignment = "center"
    page.vertical_alignment = "center"

    fixed_drop = fm.FixedAdmonitions(
        type_="tip", expanded=False, title="This is type of dropdown is not a dropdown!"



if __name__ == "__main__":

type_: str - The type of title to be displayed. The following parameters are supported:

- "note", "abstract", "info", "tip", "success", "warning", "danger"

expanded: bool - If placed outside a ft.Row() or ft.Column(), should be set to False, otherwise set to True.

title: str - The title to be displayed on top, neaer the icon.