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Contributing to Flet Material

Contriubtions and suggustions are highly appreciated and welcomed. To contirubte to this library, follow the steps below in order to ensure optimal organization and implementation.

Before you take the steps below, make sure you've forked the repository before.

Clone the repository

Clone the forked repository to your local machine by running the following command in your terminal:

git clone

Make sure to replace your-username with your actual GitHub username.

Navigate to the cloned repository by running the command:

cd material_design_flet

Makeing changes to the cloned repository

Make the changes to the code on your local machine. For example, you could update the README file to include more information about the project.

Once you have made your changes, commit them with a clear and descriptive message by running the following commands:

  1. This will add all the changes made to the local repository.

    git add .
  2. This will commit the changes to the local repository.

    git commit -m "Added more information to README"
  3. Push the branch to your forked repository on GitHub by running the command:

    git push

Submit a pull request

Go to the original repository you forked from Flet Material Library and click the "New pull request" button. Give your pull request a clear and descriptive title and description, explaining what changes you made and why. For example, "Added more information to README file". Review your pull request to make sure everything looks good and submit it for review by the repository owner or maintainers.